Friday, July 8, 2016

// Power beads?

Lately, I have not found any gel deodorants at Walmart. Even though I buy enough to last me for a while, I started to panic because there were none there two months in a row.

I then went to other store and found some again, so I bought four of them, but...

What are those blue spots?

I did not notice those were a "Power Beads" edition... Those power beads are blue things that stay on the armpit after the gel is applied...

Why are they visible? Do they think they look cool?

I hoped they would not stain my clothes. So far, I think they are mostly safe, so it is only a weird choice to have them as visible things. What about people who want to stay shirtless or sleeveless? They will have those blue power beads in their armpits for everyone to see...

They were more visible than this at first.

I just can't wait to go through all four of these things, so I can start using normal deodorant gel again.


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// Robbie Reyes.

Ghost Rider, Robbie Reyes, from Marvel's Midnight Suns. César.